After the big landslide at Pizzo Cengalo in summer 2017 all marked accesses to the Sasc Furä hut and also to Pizzo Badile were closed from the Swiss side. Now a new access to the Sasc Furä hut will be realized. The path over Passo Trubinasca will also be reopened.
As soon as the new path is completed, the hut will open again. It should be mid-July until we no longer have to do without the luxury of the SAC hut.
All other hiking trails in Val Bondasca remain closed.
The new path follows very old tracks, which in recent years have only been used by hunters. The path leads on the western side from Val Trubinasca to the upper Val Trubinasca. On the historical maps the path is still marked until 1920. The path ends at about 2000 meters and the place is called “Alpe di Trubinasca”. Today we will meet again the path from the Trubinasca pass to the Sasc Furä hut and via this path we will reach the hut.
The path will be newly prepared and marked in early summer 2019.
The hut access will therefore proceed as follows: Ciresc – Luvartigh – Salecina – Trubinasca Alta – Saca – Sasc Furä
We will inform you about parking possibilities and the exact route here in the near future.
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Monday – Friday
8am - 11am & 2pm - 6pm
Saturday & Sunday
8am - 11am & 2pm - 5pm